学习英语不仅仅是掌握语法和单词,想要听起来更地道,掌握一些常用的英语俚语(slang)是必不可少的!俚语不仅能让你的表达更生动,还能帮你更好地理解母语者的对话。今天我们来看看 10 个日常生活中常用的英语俚语,学会后就能脱口而出了!
1. Break the ice
- 意思:打破冷场,缓解尴尬。
- 例句:To break the ice at the party, he told a funny story.
2. Hit the nail on the head
- 意思:一针见血,说到点子上。
- 例句:Her comment about the problem really hit the nail on the head.
3. Spill the beans
- 意思:泄露秘密。
- 例句:Don’t spill the beans about the surprise party!
4. Under the weather
- 意思:身体不适,有点小病。
- 例句:I’m feeling a bit under the weather today.
5. Piece of cake
- 意思:轻而易举的事。
- 例句:The math test was a piece of cake for her.
6. Burn the midnight oil
- 意思:熬夜加班或学习。
- 例句:He’s been burning the midnight oil to finish his project.
7. Let the cat out of the bag
- 意思:不小心泄露秘密。
- 例句:She let the cat out of the bag about their engagement.
8. Bite the bullet
- 意思:咬牙坚持,硬着头皮去做。
- 例句:I didn’t want to go to the dentist, but I had to bite the bullet.
9. Cut corners
- 意思:图省事而偷工减料。
- 例句:If you cut corners on the construction, it could lead to problems later.
10. Hit the books
- 意思:努力学习,专心读书。
- 例句:I have to hit the books tonight for tomorrow’s exam.
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